Learning From Home Tuition

We have always heard- education is the key to success and knowledge is the key to success as well. Yes, it is. The world of 21st century is the world of technology where competition is racing ahead of time. There is the several ways to learn. Tuition is one of the option and either could be home tuition, private tuition or online tuition. It helps students to brush up the theoretical & practical knowledge. It should not only be educated but should equally posses the ability and confidence to showcase it to the world and implement it to your daily life requirements and situations. Today, experience plays a major role than the bookish knowledge. It is more important to be able to use the knowledge within. Unless you aren’t confident enough to showcase your talents out there it is of no use.

Education has always been a topic of discussion in our country and lack of it has been blamed for all sorts of evil for hundreds of years. No doubt, India has progressed to a greater extent in educating today’s youth for a better tomorrow. The best of all motives of India behind educating the country is that is visualizes the nearest future and is working for its betterment. But, on the contrary, only creating a few more schools or allowing hundreds of colleges or private universities to mushroom are not going to solve the crisis of education in India. And the crisis is, even after the standard education, they starve for jobs of their choice. In our country, millions of students are victims of unrealistic, pointless, mindless rat race. The mind numbing competition not only crushes the creativity but also deviate the students from their targets. It also destroys the originality of millions of students.

To overcome this crisis, the focus should shift from only education to skill based education. Our education system rarely rewards what deserves the highly academic honor. Deviance is discouraged. Risk taking is underestimated. Our testing and marking system needs to be built to recognize original contribution in the form of creativity, problem solving and innovation. If we could do this uccessfully Indian education system would change overnight and the opportunities for creativity may increase. Now in India, home tuition plays a vital role to learn the theoretical part. Tuition India helps students to obtain good marks in examination.

Memorizing is no learning; the biggest flaw in our education system is that it pressurize memorizing over originality. The history is clear; the academically failed minds have proved to be capable of standing at the top. Indian education system should give opportunities that help students to groom their creativity. Out of the box things are always preferred. Practically experienced students and confident about their knowledge (not only on paper but practically possible) are proved to be at the top being a leader.


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