How to cope students with depression in exam time and the reason for their depression
Exam is a huge terror in the minds of student or we can say they have been asked to create an image of a terrifying examination. In a general survey is has been brought to notice that students feel examination as a stress and a competition. Yes, it’s a competition but to prove yourself and not to betray others. Every child is different in his own way, examinations are conducted to prove self worth and not to compare with other. Somewhere in this students are not at fault and neither the teacher or parents but the competition. With this growing competition it has been a necessity to make yourself stand in the crowd and your stand would be visible with your academics. This is what we have been telling every student since long. Somewhere, its true but on the contrary the average students are not good enough at academics or on paper but they posses some or the unique quality that makes them important but are invisible in the crowd just because the society it wants it all on a piece ...